Sunday, July 12, 2009

What a way to spend a Sunday....

Well, I am completing my 2nd weekend here - I have weekends off to explore on my own. Today there was 40% chance of rain but it turned out to be beautiful so I was able to go on a bike ride anyway!!!

There were lots of people out on the trail today, but still a very peaceful ride, not too crowded. I did get to see some wildlife. There was a pronghorn antelope taking a break from eating at one of the was about 50 yards away and just taking it easy......

There are lots of beautiful wildflowers out, I have learned that since the snow is still melting off the mountain, flowers bloom all summer long. I have purchased a book to identify them, but didn't have it with me today - these yellow ones are very common and all over the park.

I used my new tripod that I ordered from REI, it has flexible legs that wrap on anything, so I hooked it to my bike and took a photo of myself. You can see it was a great day for a bike ride! Also, I wore the new bike jersey and socks that Becca got me for graduation, thanks Becca! I love them!

There is also a horse farm right along the trail I take, today there were many out in the field having lunch as I passed by, I thought these two were particularly pretty.

Well, my time is up on the library computer, I'm going home to prepare for another week of "work" (hard to even call it that because it's such an adventure!).

Have a great week and I'll post more soon!

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